
Here is a list of common herbal teas along with their health benefits and effectiveness:


  1. Chamomile tea: Chamomile has a calming effect and may help with anxiety and sleep problems. It may also help reduce inflammation and menstrual cramps.
  2. Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea is good for digestion and may help relieve nausea and stomach pain. It is also helpful for soothing headaches and reducing stress.
  3. Ginger tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and may help relieve nausea and vomiting. It is also good for digestion and may help reduce inflammation and muscle pain.
  4. Echinacea tea: Echinacea is an immune system booster and may help prevent and treat colds and other respiratory infections.
  5. Hibiscus tea: Hibiscus tea may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and it is also rich in antioxidants.
  6. Rosehip tea: Rosehip tea is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and may help boost the immune system and improve skin health.
  7. Lemon balm tea: Lemon balm is a natural sedative and may help with anxiety, stress, and insomnia.
  8. Lavender tea: Lavender has a calming effect and may help with anxiety, stress, and sleep problems.
  9. Milk thistle tea: Milk thistle may help support liver function and may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
  10. Dandelion root tea: Dandelion root is good for digestion and may help support liver function and reduce inflammation.
  1. Lemon ginger tea: Lemon and ginger both have anti-inflammatory properties and may help with digestion and nausea. The combination of these two ingredients in tea form can be helpful for relieving symptoms of colds and flu.
  2. Cinnamon tea: Cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation. It is also a good source of antioxidants and can help improve circulation.
  3. Nettle tea: Nettle tea is high in vitamins and minerals and may help reduce inflammation and support kidney and liver function.
  4. Rooibos tea: Rooibos is rich in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and support bone health.
  5. Sage tea: Sage has antimicrobial properties and may help reduce inflammation and symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes.
  6. Valerian root tea: Valerian root is a natural sedative and may help with anxiety, stress, and sleep problems. It is also helpful for reducing muscle and joint pain.
  7. Passionflower tea: Passionflower has a calming effect and may help with anxiety and sleep problems.
  8. Yerba mate tea: Yerba mate is a natural stimulant and may help improve focus and mental clarity. It is also rich in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation.
  9. Fennel tea: Fennel is good for digestion and may help reduce inflammation and bloating. It is also helpful for reducing menstrual cramps.
  10. Lemon verbena tea: Lemon verbena has a calming effect and may help with anxiety and stress. It is also a good source of antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation.
  1. Oolong tea: Oolong tea is high in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation, support heart health, and aid in weight loss.
  2. Black tea: Black tea is high in caffeine and may help improve focus and mental clarity. It is also a good source of antioxidants and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
  3. Green tea: Green tea is high in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation, boost brain function, and support weight loss.
  4. White tea: White tea is high in antioxidants and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
  5. Milk thistle and dandelion tea: This combination of milk thistle and dandelion root may help support liver function and promote digestion.
  6. Licorice root tea: Licorice root is good for digestion and may help soothe sore throats and reduce inflammation.
  7. Catnip tea: Catnip has a calming effect and may help with anxiety and stress. It may also help reduce inflammation and aid in digestion.
  8. Lemon grass tea: Lemon grass is a natural diuretic and may help with digestion and weight loss. It is also a good source of antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation.
  9. Black cohosh tea: Black cohosh may help reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings.
  10. Red raspberry leaf tea: Red raspberry leaf may help tone the uterus and prepare it for childbirth. It may also help reduce menstrual cramps and improve digestion.
  1. Juniper berry tea: Juniper berries are high in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation and support urinary tract health.
  2. Senna leaf tea: Senna leaf is a natural laxative and may help relieve constipation.
  3. Yarrow tea: Yarrow may help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of colds and flu, such as fever and congestion.
  4. Marshmallow root tea: Marshmallow root may help soothe sore throats, reduce inflammation, and support digestive health.
  5. Burdock root tea: Burdock root is good for detoxifying the body and may help reduce inflammation and support skin health.
  6. Milk oat tops tea: Milk oat tops may help soothe the nervous system, improve sleep, and support digestion.
  7. Red clover tea: Red clover may help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. It may also support bone health.
  8. Lemon peel tea: Lemon peel is a good source of antioxidants and may help support digestion and reduce inflammation.
  9. Elderflower tea: Elderflower may help reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of colds and flu, such as fever and congestion.
  10. Passion fruit tea: Passion fruit is high in antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation, support digestion, and improve skin health.
  1. Eleuthero root tea: Eleuthero root, also known as Siberian ginseng, may help improve mental and physical performance, reduce stress and fatigue, and support immune function.
  2. Hawthorn berry tea: Hawthorn berries may help improve heart health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation.
  3. Moringa tea: Moringa leaves are a good source of vitamins and minerals and may help reduce inflammation, support digestion, and improve immune function.
  4. Skullcap tea: Skullcap may help reduce anxiety and stress, promote relaxation and sleep, and reduce inflammation.
  5. Cacao tea: Cacao is a good source of antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation, improve mood, and support heart health.
  6. Lemon balm and valerian tea: This combination of lemon balm and valerian root may help reduce anxiety and stress, improve sleep quality, and promote relaxation.
  7. Astragalus root tea: Astragalus root may help support immune function, reduce inflammation, and improve heart health.
  8. Devil’s claw tea: Devil’s claw may help reduce inflammation and pain, particularly for conditions such as arthritis and back pain.
  9. Licorice and cinnamon tea: This combination of licorice root and cinnamon may help reduce inflammation, support digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels.
  10. Schisandra berry tea: Schisandra berries may help improve liver function, reduce stress and fatigue, and improve mental and physical performance.

It’s important to keep in mind that herbal teas should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, and it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before using them to treat any medical condition.

Here is a table with the names of the 50 herbal teas in English and their translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:

English Name German Übersetzung Türkische Übersetzung Arabische Übersetzung Persische Übersetzung
Chamomile tea Kamillentee Papatya çayı شاي البابونج چای بابونه
Peppermint tea Pfefferminztee Nane çayı شاي النعناع چای نعناع
Ginger tea Ingwertee Zencefil çayı شاي الزنجبيل چای زنجبیل
Echinacea tea Sonnenhuttee Papatya çayı شاي الشمعدان چای پشن فارسی
Hibiscus tea Hibiskustee Kuşkonmaz çayı شاي الكركديه چای خزه
Rosehip tea Hagebuttentee Kuşburnu çayı شاي الورد چای گل سرخ
Lemon balm tea Melissentee Melisa çayı شاي النعناع الحامض چای خارمریم
Lavender tea Lavendeltee Lavanta çayı شاي الخزامى چای اسطوخودوس
Milk thistle tea Mariendisteltee Süt dikeni çayı شاي الحليب الشوكي چای اسپند
Dandelion root tea Löwenzahntee Karahindiba çayı شاي الهندباء چای خاکشیر
Lemon ginger tea Zitronen-Ingwer-Tee Limonlu zencefil çayı شاي الليمون والزنجبيل چای زنجبیل و لیمو
Cinnamon tea Zimttee Tarçın çayı شاي القرفة چای دارچین
Nettle tea Brennesseltee Isırgan çayı شاي القراص چای خارشتر
Rooibos tea Rooibostee Rooibos çayı شاي الرويبوس چای روییبوش
Sage tea Salbeitee Adaçayı شاي الميرمية چای نعنا باغی
Valerian root tea Baldrianwurzeltee Karanfil çayı شاي الأعشاب الهادئة چای ریشه خواب‌آور
Passionflower tea Passionsblumentee Çarkıfelek çayı شاي الزهرة العاطفية چای پاسیون‌فلور
Yerba mate tea Yerba Mate Tee Yerba mate çayı شاي الييربا ماتي چای ماته
Fennel tea Fencheltee Rezene çayı شاي الشمر چای رازیانه
Lemon verbena tea Zitronenstrauchtee Limon otu çayı شاي العشبة الليمونية چای وربنا
Oolong tea Oolong-Tee Oolong çayı شاي الأولونغ چای اولنگ
Black tea Schwarzer Tee Siyah çay شاي الشاي الأسود چای سیاه
Green tea Grüner Tee Yeşil çay شاي أخضر چای سبز
White tea Weißer Tee Beyaz çay شاي الشاي الأبيض چای سفید
Licorice root tea Süßholzwurzeltee Meyan kökü çayı شاي الجذر العرق سوس چای شیرین بیان
Catnip tea Katzenminztee Kedi nanesi çayı شاي النعناع البري چای خزه‌ی گربه‌ای
Lemon grass tea Zitronengras-Tee Limon otu çayı شاي العشبة الليمونية چای سرخس لیمویی
Black cohosh tea Traubensilbertee Kara melek çayı شاي الشاش الأسود چای شاه‌تره سیاه
Red raspberry leaf tea Himbeerblättertee Ahududu yaprakları çayı شاي أوراق التوت الأحمر چای برگ تمشک قرمز
Juniper berry tea Wacholderbeertee Ardıç meyvesi çayı شاي البيري العرعر چای زمینی خارج
Burdock root tea Klette Wurzel Tee Hardal kökü çayı شاي الجذر الكركمي چای چوب ترش
Milk oat tops tea Haferkraut Tee Yulaf çayı شاي عشب الحليب چای جو
Stinging nettle tea Brennesseltee Isırgan çayı شاي القراص چای خارشتر
Red clover tea Rotklee Tee Yonca çayı شاي البرسيم چای شبدر سرخ
Mistletoe tea Misteltee Ökseotu çayı شاي الفيسقون چای آفتابگردان
Peppermint tea Pfefferminztee Nane çayı شاي النعناع چای نعناع
Oat straw tea Haferstroh Tee Yulaf sapı çayı شاي الشوفان چای جو بخشی
Cacao tea Kakaotee Kakao çayı شاي الكاكاو چای کاکائو
Skullcap tea Helmkraut Tee Amerikan Kekik çayı شاي القبعة الأمريكية چای کاسنی
Hawthorn berry tea Weissdornbeeren Tee Alıç çayı شاي الهاوثورن چای زعفران خودری
Moringa tea Moringatee Moringa çayı شاي المورينجا چای مورینگا
Eleuthero root tea Eleuthero-Wurzeltee Eleuthero kökü çayı شاي الجذر السيبيري چای سیبری
Devil’s claw tea Teufelskralle Tee Şeytan pençesi çayı شاي المخلب الشيطاني چای دیوی کوسه
Lemon peel tea Zitronenschalentee Limon kabuğu çayı شاي قشر الليمون چای پوست لیمو
Dandelion root tea Löwenzahnwurzeltee Taraxacum kökü çayı شاي جذور الهندباء چای پوست خرطالب
Rosehip tea Hagebuttentee Kuşburnu çayı شاي الورد البري چای گل سرخ
Echinacea tea Sonnenhuttee Yıldız çiçeği çayı شاي الأكيناسيا چای خورشیدی
Ginger tea Ingwertee Zencefil çayı شاي الزنجبيل چای زنجبیل
Chamomile tea Kamillentee Papatya çayı شاي البابونج چای گل بابونه
Peppermint tea Pfefferminztee Nane çayı شاي النعناع چای نعناع
Rooibos tea Rooibostee Rooibos çayı شاي الرويبوس چای روییبوس
Sage tea Salbeitee Adaçayı çayı شاي الصالحية چای نعنایی
Nettle tea Brennesseltee Isırgan çayı شاي القراص چای خارشتر
Lavender tea Lavendeltee Lavanta çayı شاي الخزامى چای خزه‌ی آویشن
Licorice root tea Süßholzwurzeltee Meyan kökü çayı شاي الجذر العرق سوس چای شیرین بیان
Lemon balm tea Melissentee Melisa çayı شاي النعناع الليموني چای پوست لیمون
Cinnamon tea Zimttee Tarçın çayı شاي القرفة چای دار چینی
Nettle root tea Brennesselwurzeltee Isırgan kökü çayı شاي الجذر القراص چ
Juniper berry tea Thé de baie de genévrier Tè di bacche di ginepro Té de baya de enebro Herbata z jałowca
Hibiscus tea Thé d’hibiscus Tè di ibisco Té de hibisco Herbata z hibiskusa
Milk thistle tea Thé de chardon-Marie Tè di cardo mariano Té de cardo mariano Herbata z ostropestu
Passionflower tea Thé de fleur de la passion Tè di fiore della passione Té de flor de la pasión Herbata z męczennicy
Peppermint & Licorice tea Thé à la menthe et à la réglisse Tè alla menta e liquirizia Té de menta y regaliz Herbata miętowa z lukrecją
Rooibos & Honeybush tea Thé de rooibos et honeybush Tè di rooibos e honeybush Té de rooibos y honeybush Herbata z rooibosu i honeybush
Turmeric tea Thé de curcuma Tè di curcuma Té de cúrcuma Herbata z kurkumą
Lemon verbena tea Thé de verveine citronnée Tè di verbena limonata Té de verbena de limón Herbata z werbeną cytrynową
Oolong tea Thé Oolong Tè Oolong Té Oolong Herbata Oolong
Yerba mate tea Thé de yerba mate Tè di yerba mate Té de yerba mate Herbata z yerba mate

Here’s the table with the complete list of 50 herbal teas, their English names, and translations in French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish, numbered from 1 to 50:

No. English Name French Translation Italian Translation Spanish Translation Polish Translation
1 Valerian root tea Thé de racine de valériane Tè di radice di valeriana Té de raíz de valeriana Herbata z kozłka lekarskiego
2 Chamomile tea Thé à la camomille Tè alla camomilla Té de manzanilla Herbata rumiankowa
3 Peppermint tea Thé à la menthe poivrée Tè alla menta piperita Té de menta Herbata miętowa
4 Ginger tea Thé au gingembre Tè allo zenzero Té de jengibre Herbata imbirowa
5 Lemon peel tea Thé de pelure de citron Tè di buccia di limone Té de cáscara de limón Herbata z cytrynową skórką
6 Rosehip tea Thé de cynorrhodon Tè di rosa canina Té de rosa mosqueta Herbata z dzikiej róży
7 Nettle tea Thé d’ortie Tè di ortica Té de ortiga Herbata z pokrzywy
8 Sage tea Thé de sauge Tè di salvia Té de salvia Herbata szałwiowa
9 Lavender tea Thé à la lavande Tè alla lavanda Té de lavanda Herbata lawendowa
10 Rooibos tea Thé de rooibos Tè di rooibos Té rooibos Herbata z rooibosu
11 Cinnamon tea Thé à la cannelle Tè alla cannella Té de canela Herbata cynamonowa
12 Dandelion root tea Thé de racine de pissenlit Tè di radice di tarassaco Té de raíz de diente de león Herbata z korzenia mniszka
13 Licorice root tea Thé de racine de réglisse Tè di radice di liquirizia Té de raíz de regaliz Herbata z korzenia lukrecji
14 Lemon balm tea Thé de mélisse Tè di Melissa Té de melisa Herbata melisowa
15 Echinacea tea Thé d’échinacée Tè di echinacea Té de equinácea Herbata z jeżówki
16 Elderberry tea Thé de sureau Tè di sambuco Té de saúco Herbata z czarnego bzu
17 Hibiscus tea Thé d’hibiscus Tè di ibisco Té de hibisco Herbata z hibiskusa
18 Milk thistle tea Thé de chardon-Marie Tè di cardo mariano Té de cardo mariano Herbata z ostropestu
19 Fennel tea Thé de fenouil Tè di finocchio Té de hinojo Herbata z kminku
20 Thyme tea Thé de thym Tè di timo Té de tomillo Herbata tymiankowa
21 Yarrow tea Thé d’achillée millefeuille Tè di achillea Té de milenrama Herbata krwawnika
22 Black cohosh tea Thé de cimicaire noire Tè di cimicifuga Té de cohosh negro Herbata z czarnej symfy
23 Catnip tea Thé de cataire Tè di nepitella Té de hierba gatera Herbata kocimiętkowa
24 Burdock root tea Thé de racine de bardane Tè di radice di bardana Té de raíz de bardana Herbata z łopianu
25 Linden tea Thé de tilleul Tè di tiglio Té de tila Herbata lipowa
26 Marshmallow root tea Thé de racine de guimauve Tè di radice di altea Té de raíz de malvavisco Herbata z korzenia prawoślazu
27 Mullein tea Thé de molène Tè di verbasco Té de gordolobo Herbata z dziewanny
28 Passionflower tea Thé de fleur de passion Tè di fiore della passione Té de flor de la pasión Herbata z kwiatu męczennicy
29 Red clover tea Thé de trèfle rouge Tè di trifoglio rosso Té de trébol rojo Herbata z koniczyny czerwonej
30 White willow bark tea Thé d’écorce de saule blanc Tè di corteccia di salice bianco Té de corteza de sauce blanco Herbata z białej wierzby
31 Angelica tea Thé d’angélique Tè di angelica Té de angélica Herbata z arcydzięgla
32 Astragalus tea Thé d’astragale Tè di astragalo Té de astrágalo Herbata z żeń-szenia
33 Bilberry tea Thé de myrtille Tè di mirtillo Té de arándano Herbata z borówki czarnej
34 Calendula tea Thé de calendula Tè di calendula Té de caléndula Herbata nagietkowa
35 Dill tea Thé d’aneth Tè di aneto Té de eneldo Herbata z kopru włoskiego
36 Eyebright tea Thé d’euphraise Tè di eufrasia Té de eufrasia Herbata z rośliny okulistycznej
37 Gentian root tea Thé de racine de gentiane Tè di radice di genziana Té de raíz de genciana Herbata z goryczki
38 Goldenrod tea Thé de verge d’or Tè di verga d’oro Té de vara de oro Herbata z nawłoci
39 Hops tea Thé de houblon Tè di luppolo Té de lúpulo Herbata chmielowa
40 Lemon verbena tea Thé de verveine citronnelle Tè di verbena odorosa Té de verbena de olor Herbata z werbeną cytrynową
41 Milkweed tea Thé d’asclépiade Tè di asclepiade Té de algodoncillo Herbata z jedwabnika
42 Oatstraw tea Thé de paille d’avoine Tè di avena Té de paja de avena Herbata z siankiem owsianym
43 Pine needle tea Thé d’aiguilles de pin Tè di aghi di pino Té de agujas de pino Herbata z igliwia
44 Raspberry leaf tea Thé de feuilles de framboisier Tè di foglie di lampone Té de hojas de frambuesa Herbata z malin
45 Red clover blossom tea Thé de fleurs de trèfle rouge Tè di fiori di trifoglio rosso Té de flores de trébol rojo Herbata z kwiatu koniczyny
46 Red raspberry tea Thé de framboise rouge Tè di lampone rosso Té de frambuesa roja Herbata z czerwonych malin
47 Rosehip tea Thé de cynorrhodon Tè di rosa canina Té de escaramujo Herbata z dzikiej róży
48 Saffron tea Thé de safran Tè di zafferano Té de azafrán Herbata z szafranu
49 Sage tea Thé de sauge Tè di salvia Té de salvia Herbata szałwiowa
50 Schisandra tea Thé de schisandra Tè di schisandra Té de schisandra Herbata z jagod kaki
51 Skullcap tea Thé de scutellaire Tè di scutellaria Té de escutelaria Herbata ze szczawiu
52 Slippery elm bark tea Thé d’écorce d’orme glissant Tè di corteccia di olmo rosso Té de corteza de olmo resbaladizo Herbata z kory czeremchy indyjskiej
53 Spearmint tea Thé de menthe verte Tè di menta verde Té de menta verde Herbata miętowa
54 Stinging nettle tea Thé d’ortie piquante Tè di ortica Té de ortiga Herbata z pokrzywy
55 Strawberry leaf tea Thé de feuilles de fraisier Tè di foglie di fragola Té de hojas de fresa Herbata z liści truskawki
56 Turmeric tea Thé de curcuma Tè di curcuma Té de cúrcuma Herbata z kurkumy
57 Uva ursi tea Thé de busserole Tè di uva ursina Té de gayuba Herbata z niedźwiedz
Mehdi Parsnews Amiri مهدی امیری

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