
Learning English through Everyday Conversations: Going to an Eye Specialis

John Smith had been experiencing some discomfort in his eyes for a few days, so he decided to visit an eye specialist. He made an appointment with Dr. Sarah Lee, a renowned eye doctor in the city:

Here’s a conversation  at the Doctor’s Practice:

John: Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Lee. My name is John Smith.

Receptionist: Hi John, please have a seat. Dr. Lee will be with you shortly.

(After a few minutes, Dr. Lee comes out to the waiting room to greet John.)

Dr. Lee: Hi John, I’m Dr. Lee. Nice to meet you. What brings you in today?

John: Hi Dr. Lee, nice to meet you too. I’ve been experiencing some discomfort in my eyes for the past few days. They feel sore and dry, and they’re a bit itchy and red.

Dr. Lee: I see. Let me take a look. Please come with me to the examination room.

(After examining John’s eyes)

Dr. Lee: John, you have a mild infection in your eyes, which is causing the discomfort. I’m going to prescribe some eye drops for you, and I advise you to avoid exposure to bright lights and rest your eyes as much as possible. Can you please give me your pharmacy information, so we can send your prescription over?

John: Sure. I usually go to Lisa Brown’s pharmacy. She’s very knowledgeable.

(After visiting the pharmacy)

Lisa: Hi John, how can I assist you today?

John: Hi Lisa, I have a prescription from Dr. Lee for some eye drops.

Lisa: Okay, let me get that for you. Here you go. Do you have any questions on how to use the drops?

John: No, Dr. Lee explained everything to me. Thank you, Lisa.

(After one week, John returns for his follow-up appointment)

Dr. Lee: Hi John, how have your eyes been feeling?

John: Hi Dr. Lee, they’ve been feeling much better. The eye drops have been really helpful.

Dr. Lee: Great to hear. Let me take a look. (examines John’s eyes) Yes, the infection has cleared up nicely. Just to be safe, I want you to continue using the eye drops for a few more days. And remember, it’s important to schedule regular eye checkups to maintain good eye health.

John: Okay, thank you so much, Dr. Lee.

Dr. Lee: You’re welcome, John. Take care and let us know if you have any further concerns.


Vocabulary in English with Translations in German, Turkish, Arabic and Farsi

English German Turkish Arabic Persian
discomfort Unbehagen rahatsızlık عدم الراحة ناراحتی
sore wund ağrılı مؤلم دردناک
itchy juckend kaşıntılı حكة خارشی
infection Infektion enfeksiyon عدوى عفونت
prescribe verschreiben reçete yazmak يصف تجویز کردن
pharmacy Apotheke eczane صيدلية داروخانه
knowledgeable sachkundig bilgili ملم بالأمر آگاه
follow-up Nachsorge takip متابعة پیگیری
checkup Untersuchung muayene فحص بررسی, چکاپ


English German Turkish Arabic Persian
discomfort Unbehagen rahatsızlık عدم الراحة ناراحتی
redness Rötung kızarıklık احمرار قرمزی
dry trocken kuru جاف خشک
examination Untersuchung muayene فحص بررسی
abnormality Anomalie anormallik شذوذ ناهنجاری
infection Infektion enfeksiyon عدوى عفونت
eye drops Augentropfen göz damlası قطرات العين قطره چشم
bright lights helles Licht parlak ışık أضواء مشرقة نور روشن
caution Vorsicht dikkat تحذير هشدار
sunlight Sonnenlicht güneş ışığı ضوء الشمس نور خورشید
recurrence Rückfall nüksetme عودة بازگشت
appreciation Wertschätzung takdir تقدير قدردانی
professional professionell profesyonel محترف حرفه‌ای
guidance Anleitung rehberlik توجيه راهنمایی


Here’s a table with some common medical specialists and their translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:

English German Turkish Arabic Persian
General Practitioner Hausarzt / Allgemeinmediziner Aile Hekimi / Genel Pratisyen طبيب عام / طبيب عائلة پزشک عمومی / پزشک خانواده
Cardiologist Kardiologe Kardiyolog قلبي قلب‌سالم
Dermatologist Hautarzt / Dermatologe Dermatolog جلدية پوست‌پزشک
Gynecologist Frauenarzt / Gynäkologe Jinekolog نساء وتوليد زنان‌پزشک
Neurologist Neurologe Nörolog أمراض الأعصاب مغز و اعصاب‌پزشک
Oncologist Onkologe Onkolog طب الأورام انکولوژیست
Ophthalmologist Augenarzt / Augenheilkundler Göz Doktoru / Oftalmolog عيون چشم‌پزشک
Orthopedist Orthopäde Ortopedi جراحة العظام ارتوپد
Pediatrician Kinderarzt / Pädiater Çocuk Doktoru / Pediatri طب الأطفال کودکان‌پزشک


English German Turkish Arabic Persian
Pulmonologist Lungenarzt / Pulmologe Göğüs Hastalıkları Uzmanı / Pulmonolog أمراض الرئة ریه‌پزشک
Endocrinologist Endokrinologe Endokrinolog الغدد الصماء متخصص غدد
Gastroenterologist Gastroenterologe Gastroenterolog جهاز الهضمي متخصص بیماریهای معده و روده
Hematologist Hämatologe Hematolog أمراض الدم متخصص خون
Nephrologist Nephrologe Nefrolog أمراض الكلى نفرولوژیست, متخصص کلیه
Psychiatrist Psychiater Psikiyatrist الطب النفسي روان‌پزشک
Urologist Urologe Ürolog جراحة المسالك البولية اورولوژیست


English German Turkish Arabic Persian
Anesthesiologist Anästhesist Anestezi Uzmanı التخدير بیهوشی‌پزشک
Immunologist Immunologe İmmünolog المناعة ایمنی‌شناس
Otolaryngologist HNO-Arzt / Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt Kulak Burun Boğaz Uzmanı أمراض الأذن والأنف والحنجرة گوش، حلق، بینی‌پزشک
Radiologist Radiologe Radyolog الأشعة تصویربرداری‌پزشک
Rheumatologist Rheumatologe Romatolog الروماتيزم روماتولوژی
Vascular Surgeon Gefäßchirurg Damar Cerrahı جراحة الأوعية الدموية جراح عروق
Allergist Allergologe Alerji Uzmanı الحساسية آلرژیست
Infectious Disease Specialist Infektiologe Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Uzmanı أمراض العدوى متخصص بیماری‌های عفونی
Pain Management Specialist Schmerztherapeut Ağrı Yönetimi Uzmanı إدارة الألم متخصص کنترل درد
Sleep Specialist Schlafmediziner Uyku Bozukluğu Uzmanı النوم متخصص خواب


English German Turkish Arabic Persian
Geneticist Genetiker Genetik Uzmanı الوراثة ژنتیک‌شناس
Hepatologist Hepatologe Hepatolog أمراض الكبد متخصص کبد
Pain Medicine Physician Schmerzmediziner Ağrı Tıp Uzmanı طب الألم پزشک درد
Reproductive Endocrinologist Reproduktionsmediziner / Endokrinologe Üreme Endokrinolojisi Uzmanı الإنجاب والتكاثر پزشک تولیدمثل
Sports Medicine Physician Sportmediziner Spor Tıp Uzmanı الطب الرياضي پزشک ورزشی
Clinical Psychologist Klinischer Psychologe Klinik Psikolog النفسية روان‌شناس بالینی
Emergency Medicine Physician Notfallmediziner Acil Tıp Uzmanı طب الطوارئ پزشک اورژانس
Pain Psychologist Schmerzpsychologe Ağrı Psikologu علم النفس الألم روان‌شناس درد
Sleep Medicine Physician Schlafmediziner Uyku Tıp Uzmanı طب النوم پزشک خواب
Wound Care Specialist Wundtherapeut Yara Bakım Uzmanı رعاية الجروح متخصص مراقبت از زخم‌ها
Mehdi Parsnews Amiri مهدی امیری

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