
50 Common Fruits: English to German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian Translations

Knowing the names of fruits in different languages can be important for various reasons. First, it allows for effective communication when traveling to different countries or when interacting with people from different cultures. Being able to ask for a specific fruit or identify it in a market or store can facilitate interactions and help to avoid misunderstandings.

Additionally, knowing the names of fruits in different languages can be helpful when exploring new cuisines and recipes. Many cultures have unique and delicious dishes that use local fruits, and having knowledge of their names can help to identify and purchase the correct ingredients.

Furthermore, learning the names of fruits in different languages can also broaden one’s understanding of different cultures and their relationship with food. Fruits are often an integral part of a country’s cuisine and traditions, and knowing their names can help to better appreciate and understand the cultural significance of these foods.

Having knowledge of the names of fruits in different languages can facilitate communication, enhance culinary experiences, and broaden cultural understanding.

Here is a list of 50 of the most common fruits in English, along with their translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:

No. English German Turkish Arabic Persian
1 Apple Apfel Elma تفاح سیب
2 Avocado Avocado Avokado أفوكادو آووکادو
3 Banana Banane Muz موز موز
4 Blackberry Brombeere Böğürtlen توت أسود تمشک
5 Blueberry Blaubeere Yaban mersini توت أزرق توت آبی
6 Cantaloupe Cantaloupe Kavun شمام خربزه
7 Cherry Kirsche Kiraz كرز گيلاس
8 Coconut Kokosnuss Hindistan cevizi جوز الهند نارگیل
9 Cranberry Preiselbeere Kızılcık التوت البري کرنبری
10 Cucumber Gurke Salatalık خيار خیار
11 Date Dattel Hurma تمر خرما
12 Dragonfruit Drachenfrucht Ejderha meyvesi فاكهة التنين دراگون فروت
13 Durian Durian Durian دوريان دریانوس
14 Elderberry Holunderbeere Sambucus الكركديه سنجد
15 Fig Feige İncir تين انجیر
16 Grape Weintraube Üzüm عنب انگور
17 Grapefruit Grapefruit Greyfurt الجريب فروت گریپ فروت
18 Guava Guave Guava جوافة گواوا
19 Kiwi Kiwi Kivi كيوي کیوی
20 Lemon Zitrone Limon ليمون لیموترش
21 Lime Limette Limon الليمون الأخضر لیموترش
22 Lychee Litschi Liçi الليتشي لیچی
23 Mango Mango Mango مانجو مانگو
24 Mandarin Mandarine Mandalina اليوسفي ماندارين
25 Mulberry Maulbeere Dut توت توت
26 Orange Orange Portakal البرتقال پرتقال
27 Papaya Papaya Papaya بابايا پاپایا
28 Passionfruit Passionsfrucht Çarkıfelek meyvesi فاكهة اليافعي میوه پاسیون
29 Peach Pfirsich Şeftali خوخ هلو
30 Pear Birne Armut كمثرى گلابی
31 Pineapple Ananas Ananas أناناس آناناس
32 Plum Pflaume Erik البرقوق گوجه سیاه
33 Pomegranate Granatapfel Nar رمان انار
34 Raspberry Himbeere Ahududu توت العليق تمشک
35 Strawberry Erdbeere Çilek فراولة توت فرنگی
36 Tangerine Mandarine Mandarın يوسفي ماندارین
37 Watermelon Wassermelone Karpuz البطيخ هندوانه
38 Yellow Passionfruit Gelbe Passionsfrucht Sarı çarkıfelek meyvesi فاكهة اليافعي الصفراء میوه پاسیون زرد
39 Yellow Watermelon Gelber Wassermelone Sarı karpuz البطيخ الأصفر هندوانه زردین
40 Yuzu Yuzu Yuzu يوزو یوزو
41 Açaí Acai Acai آسايي آسایی
42 Acerola Acerola Acerola الأسيرولا آسرولا
43 Ackee Ackee Ackee الأكي آکی
44 African Cherry Afrikanische Kirsche Afrika kirazı الكرز الأفريقي گیلاس آفریقایی
45 Akee Akee Akee الأكي آکی
46 Appleberry Apfelbeere Elma yaban mersini توت التفاح توت سیب
47 Babaco Babaco Babaco باباكو باباکو
48 Bael Fruit Bael Frucht Bel meyvesi البلح میوه بیل
49 Bilberry Heidelbeere Yaban mersini توت العليق توت بیل
50 Black Cherry Schwarze Kirsche Siyah kiraz الكرز الأسود گیلاس سیاه
Mehdi Parsnews Amiri مهدی امیری

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