
“Spice Up Your Cooking with These Exotic Flavors: A Comprehensive List of Spices in 5 languages!

Spices have been used in cooking for thousands of years and are an integral part of many different cuisines around the world. They are known for their distinct flavors and aromas that can elevate any dish from ordinary to extraordinary. The use of spices can be traced back to ancient times, where they were used for medicinal purposes, food preservation, and enhancing the flavor of food.

Today, spices continue to play a crucial role in the kitchen of every household. Whether you are cooking a traditional family recipe or experimenting with new flavors, spices can be used to add depth and complexity to any dish. From cumin and coriander in Indian cuisine to cinnamon and nutmeg in Middle Eastern cuisine, each spice has a unique flavor profile that can be used to create a wide range of dishes.



In addition to their culinary uses, many spices also offer a variety of health benefits.

For example, turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, while cinnamon is believed to help regulate blood sugar levels.

With so many different spices to choose from, it is easy to incorporate them into your diet and reap the benefits of their nutritional value.Overall, spices are an essential ingredient in cooking and offer a world of flavor and health benefits. Whether you are a professional chef or a home cook, exploring different spices and incorporating them into your cooking can help you create delicious, healthy, and unforgettable meals.


here’s the table with the spices in English and their translations, in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian(Farsi),  with the translations in Arabic & Persian written in both arabic script and Roman letters in the same :

English German Turkish Arabic Persian (Farsi)
Cumin Kreuzkümmel Kimyon كمون – Kamoon زیره – Zireh
Coriander Koriander Kişniş كزبرة – Kuzbara گشنیز – Geshniz
Turmeric Kurkuma Zerdeçal كركم – Kurkum زردچوبه – Zard chobeh
Cardamom Kardamom Cardamom حب الهيل – Habat al-Hayl هل – Hel
Cinnamon Zimt Tarçın قرفة – Qirfah دار چین – Dar chin
Cloves Nelken Karanfil قرنفل – Qaranful قهوه توس – Ghahve toos
Nutmeg Muskatnuss Hindistan Cevizi جوزة الطيب – Jawzat al-Teeb جوز مشک – Jouz e moskh
Ginger Ingwer Zencefil زنجبيل – Zanjabil زنجبیل – Zan jabal
Black Pepper Schwarzer Pfeffer Karabiber فلفل أسود – Filfil aswad فلفل سیاه – Felfel siah
White Pepper Weißer Pfeffer Beyaz Biber فلفل أبيض – Filfil abyad فلفل سفید – Felfel sefid
Paprika Paprika Kırmızı Biber فلفل حار – Filfil ahmar فلفل سرخ – Felfel sorkh
Chili Powder Chilipulver Acı Biber Tozu برميل – Barmil دار چین – Darchin
Mustard Seeds Senfkörner Hardal Tohumu حبة الخردل – Habat al-Khardal تن‌رای – Tana rai
Fenugreek Bockshornklee Çemen حلبة – Hilbeh شنبلیله – Shanbalileh
Saffron Safran Safran زعفران – Zafaran زعفران – Zaferan
Sumac Sumach Sumak سمّاق – Sumac سماق – Somagh
Thyme Thymian Kekik زعتر – Zaatar آویشن – Avishan
Rosemary Rosmarin Biberiye أزيريوم – Azarirum آباکت – Abakht
Oregano Oregano Kekik زعتر الجبل – Zaatar-e jebel باقل


English German Turkish Arabic Persian (Farsi)
Bay Leaves Lorbeerblätter Defne Yaprağı ورق الغار – Waraq al-Ghar برگ بو – Barg-e bu
Caraway Kümmel Çörekotu كراوية – Karawiya رازیانه – Raziyaneh
Celery Seed Selleriesamen Kereviz Tohumu حبة الكرفس – Habat al-karfas آجویه – Ajwain
Curry Powder Currypulver Köri Tozu مسحوق الكاري – Masehooq al-kari پودر کاری – Powder-e kari
Fennel Seed Fenchelsamen Rezene Tohumu حبة الشمر – Habat al-shamr رازیانه – Raziyaneh
Fenugreek Leaves Bockshornkleesamen Yapraklı Çemen ورق الحلبة – Waraq al-hilba شنبلیله خشک – Shanbalileh khoshk
Garam Masala Garam Masala Garam Masala مسحوق الغرام ماسالا – Masehooq al-gharam masala گرما (پودر) – Gherme (Powder)
Garlic Powder Knoblauchpulver Sarımsak Tozu مسحوق الثوم – Masehooq al-thoom پودر سیر – Powder-e sir
Juniper Berries Wacholderbeeren Ardıç Meyveleri توت العرعر – Toot al-arar زمرد – Zomorod
Mustard Powder Senfpulver Hardal Tozu مسحوق الخردل – Masehooq al-khardal پودر خردل – Powder-e khardal
Poppy Seeds Mohnsamen Haşhaş Tohumları بذور الخشخاش – Buthoor al-khashkhaash خشخاش – Khashkhash
Star Anise Sternanis Yıldız Anason نجمة الباديان – Najmat al-badyan بادیان – Badyan
Tamarind Tamarinde Demirhindi تمر هندي – Tamar Hindi تمر هندی – Tamar-e Hindi
Vanilla Vanille Vanilya فانيليا – Fanilia وانیل – Vanil
English German Turkish Arabic Persian (Farsi)
Asafoetida Asant Ferula عمود فوقي – Amood fooghi بنجه هندی – Banjeh hendi
Dill Dill Dereotu شبت – Shibit شوید – Shivid
Epazote Epazote Epazote الإبازوت – Al-ibazoot رازیانه مکزیکی – Raziyaneh-e mexiki
Mace Muskatblüte Mac جوز الطيب – Jouz al-teeib برگ بو – Barg-e bu
Marjoram Majoran Kekik إكليل الجبل – Ikilil al-jabal مرزه – Marzeh
Sage Salbei Adaçayı الصعتر – Alsatar اسطوخودوس – Ostokhoddous
Savory Bohnenkraut Cevizli Biber السالي – Alsali شوید جعفری – Shivid-e jafari
Szechuan Pepper Szechuanpfeffer Sichuan Biberi فلفل سيتشوان – Filfil sichuan فلفل سیچوانی – Felfel-e sichuani
Za’atar Za’atar Za’atar زعتر – Zaatar زعتر – Zaatar


English German Turkish Arabic Persian (Farsi)
Ajwain Ajowan Kekikotu أجوان – Ajwan بابونه خراسانی – Babooneh khorasani
Amchur Amchur Amchoor مانجو مجفف – Manjo Majafaf آمچور – Amchur
Annatto Annatto Achiote عناتو – Anatto آناتو – Anatto
Cassia Cassia Kassia قرفة صينية – Qirfat Siniya کاسیا – Kassia
Long Pepper Langer Pfeffer Uzun Biber فلفل طويل – Filfil tawil فلفل طولانی – Felfel-e tolani
Nigella Seeds Schwarzkümmel Çörek Otu حبة البركة – Habat al-Barakah سیاه دانه – Siyah daneh
Ras el Hanout Ras el Hanout Ras el Hanout رأس الحانوت – Ras al-Hanoot رأس الحانوت – Ras al-Hanout
Satureja Bohnenkraut Kekik سطرج – Satrj بابونه سنگی – Babooneh-e sangi
Ajmod Ajmod Celery عجمود – Ajmod اجمود – Ajmod
Cubeb Pepper Cubeb Pfeffer Cubeb Biberi فلفل القبة – Filfil al-qubah فلفل صوری – Felfel-e soori
Mahleb Mahleb Mahlep محلب – Mahlab محلب – Mahlab
Black Cumin Schwarzkümmel Çörek Otu حبة البركة السوداء – Habat al-Barakah al-Sawda زرچوبه – Zarchobeh
Cinnamon Myrtle Zimtmyrte Cinnamon Myrtle كانيل مرتل – Kanil Martel کاهوا – Kahwa
Dried Lime Getrocknete Limette Kurutulmuş Limon ليمون مجفف – Lemon Majafaf لیمو عمانی – Limoo-ye amani
Mastic Mastix Damla Sakızı مستكة – Mastic مستکه – Mastic


Mehdi Parsnews Amiri مهدی امیری

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